Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Magic Number = 17

I just love this time of year. Pennant chases in baseball, college football is back (Go Ga Tech and Fla Gators!!), and the weather is cooling as we head into fall. For all these reasons, it's hard for me to feel sad on any day between September 1 and December 1.

Back to baseball...I've really become a big Boston Red Sox fan over the last few years. Alot of it has to do with my hatred of the Yankees (i.e., the evil empire) as well as my being a lifelong fan of those other perennial losers, my hometown Cubs. I can't really explain why I identify with the Red Sox, but I just do. I'm not that vocal about it in public since I live in Yankee hell, and a Yankee fan would just as soon run you over if you have a "B" on your hat...

But I digress...the good news is that the Sox are up 7 games with 23 to go, which gets us to the title of this post. I'm losing faith that the Mariners or Tigers will close the gap in the wild card, but that's OK. The playoffs are actually more satisfying when the Yankees are involved (and lose) >;-D

1 comment:

Eric K. said...

Meanwhile, the Braves wallow in "maybe-we'll-make-the-wildcard" blues. But they did have a fantastic, come-from-behind win in the 9th today against Philly. Oh for the days of Maddux, Glavine, Smoltz, Avery, TP, and "Bud Man"!