Sunday, September 7, 2008

Finally Doing the Facebook Thing...

I finally decided to take the plunge and start a Facebook profile. Beth ahs been on it for a while and was extolling the benefits of reconnecting with old friends. Well, under a stint of inspiration fueled by my upcoming 20-year HS reunion (no old guy jokes, please!), I decided to give it a try to see how many Lemon Bay HS grads were on it.

Based on what I've heard from others, I should have seen this coming. In one week, I've gotten reconnected with over 30 classmates, old friends, and colleagues that I hadn't spoken with in many years. It's really very easy to find people and get to know them again.

From the viewpoiont of a reformed skeptic, give it a try. I bet you'll be as surprised as I've been in he very first week of trying it.

p.s. glad to be back...:-)


Anonymous said...

Hooray! Joe's blog is back!! And, be warned that Facebook is horribly addictive!

Eric K. said...

Glad you're back AND glad you're on Facebook. I've been on it for a year or so. But, like you, I was amazed at how many of my classmates from high school and middle school all of a sudden have showed up in the past 6 weeks. It's been great to reconnect with them.