Hello campers. Well, a little over a week ago, I attended the 10th annual
Tap NY Craft Beer and Fine Food Festival. What a great time. I traveled up to Hunter Mountain with a tour bus group from our favorite local haunt, the
Golden Rail Ale House. Here's a photo of the group in front of the Hunter Mountain Ski Lodge.

This festival is a beer bonanza, with selections from over 30 NY state craft brewers. All of our favorites were there, including
Lake Placid,
Blue Point, and
Brooklyn. Lake Placid took top honors this year as the best craft brewer in NYS. Well deserved, I think. If it's not my favorite brewer, it's in the top 2-3. I urge all of you to venture out and try selections from these incredible breweries if you can find them. If not these, then patronize your local craft brewhouses and breweries. It's well worth the effort. You will be rewarded!
What makes the trip even better is that I've gotten to know the organizer of the event (and many of the attendees), so it just feels like you're hanging out with friends. I've posted up the photos from the day on our Kodak Gallery
website for all to view. Bear in mind that this day was in fact a day of drinking so several of the photos look incriminating. However, it was all in good fun.
I realize this has been a beer blog lately without much woodworking. That is going to change. Now that Spring is here, I have grand plans for getting back in the shop and starting a few new projects.
So the real question is: What can you make out of wood to support your beer hobby? Beth knitted socks for beer... Perhaps a handmade bar? Or a special piece of furniture for the keg or carboy?? Or some hand-turned beer steins??? Hrrmmm... sounds like a moment to grab a tall cold one and start brainstorming!
Helloooooo????? Anyone here??? Hellooooooo?
Joe, this is your upstate NY mom. Honey, it's been since MAY!!!!!!!!!, I know alot more has happened. C'mon
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