Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Wife Rocks...

My wife had a really trying week. I'm still out of town, and as such, the house Gods saw it fit to punish me again for it. Well, this week was no different. For a short history of what has happened, check this out. When I left NY, we were in the midst of one of the worst Spring Nor'Easters in history. As a frame of reference, we got the most rain in 24 hrs (7+ inches) since 1882! For the first time in my life, I experienced a real "100-year storm" that we frequently plan for at work. However, there was a silver lining to all of this. If this storm had happened in the 2004/2005 timeframe, it's likely that I would have been faced with a massive recovery effort. Who knows if it was luck, karma, or what that lead us to this point, but I'm grateful nonetheless.

As for the title of this wife has come a LONG way since we got married. For an example, read this. She wasn't always this level-headed under pressure. In fact, if this happened 7-8 years ago, there's no doubt in my mind that we would having a serious discussion about my changing jobs. SOON. Luckily for me, we can now get through just about any house issues that are thrown at us, errrr, I mean thrown at HER :-)

Thanks to all who commented on her blog and shared their support during this week of hell. I appreciated them as much as she did.

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