Friday, July 23, 2010

In the home stretch

Headed back to NY for the weekend to help Beth finish packing up the house before the big move to Idaho.  Movers are scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday to load and drive all of our shit cross country.  Thank god for my new company's generosity in picking up our re-lo costs or Beth and I would be faced with some SERIOUS downsizing.  It's amazing how much crap you can accumulate over 15+ years.  It also doesn't hurt to have more square footage than 2 people really need...We both hope this is the last big move we do for the rest of our lives.  This whole packing, purging, and stressing thing is exhausting.  However, there is that big carrot hanging out there and it's a new & exciting lifestyle in Boise! 

Now...if anybody wants a great old house in the historic Hudson Valley in NY, please let me know!

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