Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Tools!

Hello all. One peripheral benefit (errr...weakness?) of the windsor chair class I took is a new appreciation for good hand tools. So, I've been perusing Ebay lately looking for a few bargains. Luckily for me, I've found a couple.

I recently bought a Stanley #4 Type 11 smoothing plane (from about 1920), an outside caliper for doing lathe turnings, and an antique Stanley bevel gauge. A photo of a similar plane is shown in the photo. I doubt mine will be in this good of condition, but half the fun is restoring these old planes & bringing them back to life. I've put bids in on a few others as well, but they weren't successful. My wife is pleased that I still have the ability to practice restraint in this area, although I have been accused several times in the last week of having an Ebay problem...

Well, gotta go, there's auctions I'm watching (not...) :-P


Betharoopie said...

Honey, denial ain't just a river in Egypt...

Lorena said...

Hey, more tools for him = more yarn for her. That's the law (at least at my house... ask me about the compressor that he just bought to power the nail gun that came with it...).

Joe W said...

Hmmm...our OLD arrangement was 'tools for me, furniture for her.' I think I might prefer the 'yarn for her' scenario provided the stash doesn't require an addition on the house!